Saturday, December 19, 2009
The Day of a Lot of Snow
Well I am back at home. I survived my first solo trip. I met some nice old ladies on the way to North Carolina and then on the way back I met an exchange student from one of the NC universities. She was form South Korea and she was really nice. I learned a lot about her and Korean customs. It was very interesting. Yesterday we picked my brother up from his university. Today there is a big snow storm. I don't think I've seen this much snow since I moved from New York. It looks really pretty at the moment. I really hate how snow looks after the salt is down and makes it all brown and dirty. I have a feeling this is going to take a while to melt away. I get the pleasure of looking forward to shoveling all of this lovely snow tomorrow.
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Finals Are Over!
Yes, people of the internet, the evil of which we refer to as finals are over for me. No more studying or writing a 10 page paper on my dream museum, not that its really my dream; though I do think its a pretty awesome idea. Okay so get this, I had to create my own museum for my museum studies class. Well I decided, since I love watching movies, I would incorporate that love in my school work. My museum is called the History Museum of the Development in American Cinema, HMDAC for short. Its awesome and I would totally let you all read it, but its kind of long and you might get a tad bit bored. Anyways, I hope I get a good grade on it and I get to go home tomorrow morning! Super excited. I'll be able to see my dad, mom, older brother, and my fish Heath. Sadly I have to wait a week to see my younger brother because he still has another week of school, stinks to be him. During the week my younger brother, Daniel, is at school I get to take my first train voyage by my lonesome self to North Carolina to see my roomie for a couple of days. Hopefully I'll survive the trip and get someone cool to talk to near my seat. I'll definitely report about the trip there and my time at NC. It'll be tons of fun!
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Quidditch Anyone?
Well I really should be studying and working on Latin at this moment, but I wanted to write a post on this interesting new information I've discovered about the college that I attend. We are starting a Quidditch Team here. Yes, Quidditch, the made up game from the fantastic Harry Potter novels. Now don't get me wrong, I love the Harry Potter books as much as the next person, but I feel that this so call Quidditch is destroying the amzing fantasy game in the book. The way they have a Snitch in the game is having a person run around the field dressed in yellow. I mean thats pretty lame in my opinion. When playing Quidditch you should be flying on broomsticks in the air, not carrying them between your legs while running around a field; and I don't mean to be a buzz kill, but the last I heard, I know its depressing, we can't fly on broomsticks. I would think that the whole broomstick between the legs thing could be dangerous and harmful too. I know I would hurt myself some how because I'm a clutz. Anyways, love Harry Potter, but I think this "real" Quidditch destroys the fantasty and wonderful image I've built of Quidditch when reading the books or watching the movies.

Winter Break Needs to Come Soon
So I have not been able to write here for a while due to having so much work for school. It is the last week of classes and finals are next week :( After that I get to go home for winter break though! I just hope I'll survive for it to come. I got tons of studying I have to do and a final paper to write. During the weekend my friends and I plan on seeing New Moon, even though we've got stupid tests coming up. I'll have to let you know my thoughts on the movie. I am super excited about it! I love the books and the second and third books are my favorite! Anyways I have to go study now. Wish me luck! :)
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Is Stroking Your Head Considered Weird?
So today I went to Becca's choir concert, which was AMAZING! The choirs sang beautifully and the piano in High Light was fantastical. It was my favorite part. Anyways, while watching this great show preformed there was this old couple sitting a few seats in front of me and my friends. As the songs were sang the women in the couple just all of a sudden start petting the head of her husband. Actually it was more of a rubbing motion, but funny none the less. Clarissa and I couldn't stop laughing and it took all our control to not burst with giggles in the auditorium. This very touchy feely women rubbed her husband for like two songs and it was so distracting. My eyes just kept diverting to the movement of her arm and hand.
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Another Birthday Celebration!
Yesterday was so much fun with my friends. We went to Olive Garden to celebrate my friend Liz's birthday. It was my first trip to Olive Garden. I kept getting the "I can't believe you've never been to Olive Garden" thing. It was delicious though. I love their bread sticks! After my lovely experience at Olive Garden, we went back to our dorm hall, had cake, and played bored games. We played Taboo and Uno. I think my group of friends are very special. I don't think I laughed that much in a while. They kept saying the funniest things or did the funniest things. I think I'm going to have to have quotes of the day with all the ridiculous stuff that my friends and say.
Today's Quote: "Nam, nam, nam. I wonder if Vietnam vets would be offended?" - Matt
"That's horrible." - me
"Why would they be offended?" - Liz
As I've said, we're special.
Today's Quote: "Nam, nam, nam. I wonder if Vietnam vets would be offended?" - Matt
"That's horrible." - me
"Why would they be offended?" - Liz
As I've said, we're special.
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Grande Cup of Coffee = Sleep Deprivation
So yesterday I went with my gal pals to our normal coffee trip on campus last night and ordered a tall iced carmel latte, I wanted mocha because I love anything chocolate but that's besides the point. Instead of giving me a tall, the coffee people gave me the next size up, a grande, because they were running behind on their orders and I had to wait, which I was totally fine with and I understood how hard it is for just two people to run the registers while making orders. Well I got the drink and thought it was pretty sweet that I got more for my buck, as I think the saying goes. I decided that since they made me the drink, I might as well drink the whole thing. I finished the drink by 11 and was up for a very long time through the night. I'm really tired now, but being a college student I have a bunch of work that I have to do, which means no nap :( The only good thing that came from that cup of coffee is that I am about half way done with a paper due Monday and I read two chapters in a book. Never again will I drink a grande size cup of coffee at 9 at night, other wise I will have another night of sleep deprivation.
Monday, November 16, 2009
Procrastination is the Name of the Game
Well I should really be working on a paper that is do tomorrow, but I kind of don't feel like doing that at the moment, hence this blog post. This paper I'm writing is for art history and is suppose to be on any piece of art we want. The problem with this is that I don't have any art museums nearby to go to, which meant I had to go to my college's gallery. No offense, but most of the stuff in there was pretty bad. I'm far from an art guru, but most of the pieces there were impossible to write a decent two page paper on. Here is the piece I decided to do my paper on.
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Downtown Today
I got so excited about Becca's birthday stuff that I forgot to mention the cool time I had with my frined and roommate, Clarissa, strolling Downtown Fredericksburg. We had a nice time walking and taking pictures of stuff that we thought were awesome to take photos of. I'm kind of new to the whole photography thing, so my pictures are not that great, but Clarissa on the other hand is amazing at photography. She is so talented when it comes to photography and art. So I thought I would psot some of my pictures. If there are any people that are actually following this, you can tell me what you think about the pictures. Try not to be too harsh since, like I said, I'm new to photography.
First Post/ Becca's Birthday!
So I am totally excited for starting my very own blog about me and everything that is awesome. Today is not actually my friend Becca's birthday, but today we celebrated it. We threw her a little shindig with cake, games, and gifts. I think it went very well. I came to the realization that I am horrible at Disney Charades at this party too. Kind of disappointing, but oh well. I'm good at the guessing, I just can't act out the characters. Now I guess I have to cross being an actor off my list of future career choices. Anyways, after the party my friend Clarissa and I went around our college campus to write happy birthday messages for Becca's actual birthday, which is tomorrow. We did a fabulous and awesome job! I have a feeling Becca is going to love it and I hope she does!
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