Thursday, December 16, 2010
Back at Home
I've been home for almost a week. I am so glad to be back here. Now I don't have to worry about work for a while! Yesterday we picked my brother up from UVA and we're off on a trip in a little bit to go see family for the holidays. Today we got the first snow of the season! Its so pretty, but of course it came at an inconvenient time since we will be heading off soon to New York. Can't wait to see my adorable niece!
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
The Art of Great Timing
So I have basically three more days left before I can go back to my wonderful home for winter break and Christmas. Until then I have two finals, a 7 to 9 page paper proposal, presentation, and honor society application to finish. On top of those glorious tasks I have set forth for myself, not by choice may I add, I am sick. It came out of no where and now all I want to do is sleep and stay in my room, in other words I just want to vegetate until I am a-okay to do anything. Sadly my ideal way of spending the last few days of the fall semester in no way can happen and I must truck on with all of my work. Wish me luck and hopefully I can nap a long the way :)
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
The Life of a College Student is Never Done
If only college didn't have so much work, it would be a fantastic place. Sadly this is a very unrealistic thought and society would not be in great shape if we didn't have to work to learn. As you may be able to tell, I am plagued by the awfulness of having tons of work for all my classes at the moment. It is coming to the end of the semester, which means project and papers are due and final must be taken. Oh well, it is worth it in the end when I have a career I guess. What keeps me moving right now is the prospect of winter break and Christmas time are around the bend. So happy its that most wonderful time of the year again!
Saturday, November 20, 2010
Harry Potter Bliss!
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Happy Halloween!

Sunday, October 17, 2010
Fun Filled Saturday
So Saturday was pretty awesome. I went to Stratford to go dig. I got to look for shark teeth, but came up empty handed. I stink at finding them. My dream is to one day find a big shark tooth and then not feel that I need to find anymore. Digger went well. The coolest find of the day was a lead shot. Oh, I also got to see the new slave cabin exhibits. They were pretty sweet. In one of the rooms in one of the cabins there was this dresser full of interactive objects that children, and adult alike, could play with and learn. I thought it was the neatest thing, but of course I love museum education :P
Then Saturday night I went to a party. It was so much fun! I had a great time mingling with my fellow majors and some none majors too. The only part that was not entertaining was dealing with drunks, but what can you do when its a college party. Now today is a day of work and nothing else.
Friday, October 15, 2010
Quick Hello!
Hey all! Just wanted to say hi to you all. I've been back in Fredburg and at school since Tuesday evening. Today and tomorrow will be pretty eventful. Fall fest is today and tomorrow I'm off to Stratford Hall. I will defiantly post about everything later when I have time. I hope you all have an awesome Friday!
Monday, October 11, 2010
The Beautiful Shenandoah Valley
Right now I'm home for fall break from school. It is quite nice because I am able to spend a bunch of time with my whole family. My younger brother is home from UVA and I haven't really got to spend any time with him since school has started. Yesterday we went to the Green Valley Book Fair. It was a nice drive out there. The mountains and the valley were gorgeous, but don't take my word for it take a view at my photos after you're done reading this post. It was a nice time with my family. I go back to UMW tomorrow, which means I actually have to do some work today. Last week was awful because I had three midterms, a paper proposal, and photos for a project that all had to be done. This week is a little less hectic because all that is due is a 4 to 6 page paper, but I need to get my photo project basically finished because I'm going to Stratford Hall again this weekend! I will show off my architecture photography once I decided which pictures I am actually using. This weekend I also started on knitting a blanket and hopefully I'll get it done by Christmas. I'll keep you all posted on its progress.
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
More Alpacas!
I guess I'm going to have to place alpacas on my list of favorite animals. They are so cute I just seem to keep running into them! I went home this pass weekend to work on a project for my folklore class, which involved interviewing my dad. On Saturday it was something like tour farm day in Culpeper County. I found out that there is this awesome alpaca farm about five minutes, if that, from my house. Well you all know what I had to do once I found out about this place, my mom and I ended up going to the farm! They were so cute! I got to see 4 month year old alpacas that were just weened from there mom. The poor things really wanted to get back to her, but they were adorable! I took a few pictures. Enjoy!
Monday, September 27, 2010
Saturday was so much fun! I went to Stratford Hall and got to dig for the entire day! We didn't really find anything too out of the ordinary, but I still enjoyed my time in unit 482. It was so hot though. Besides the temperature being in the 90s that day, we also had no shade to dig under :( I have to say that the highlight of my day was when I got to see the alpacas at the wine festival event going on at Stratford. They were so cute! The ones that the alpaca people had were 2 and 3.
Well now its Monday and I have tons of work ahead of me. This weekend I'm going home to interview my dad for a folklore oral history project. I think it'll be interesting. The final project will actually go to the Library Congress and they'll keep it in their records. I also get my name published on it! Then next week I have three midterms and a research paper proposal due. Ah! I will have no life this week. Tomorrow the Britney Spears episode of GLEE is on! Tune in to it at 8pm on fox, a little advertising never hurts :P
Friday, September 24, 2010
Yes, I Do Still Exist
So those who are still following my blog and have been wondering where I went, I want to apologize for not writing here for a very long time. I just got caught up in life, but now I've decided that I'm going to try and keep my blog up again.
I am currently a junior at college. My classes are ruling my life at the moment, but I do have spare time here and there to do some stuff. Hopefully I'll have some fun adventures this year that I can tell you all about. Tomorrow I'm going to Stratford Hall, birth place of Robert E. Lee, to do some archeaology :) I'll let you all know how it goes. I'm super excited and totally pumped for it! Well I basically just wanted to tell all you people in the internet world, I'm back!
I am currently a junior at college. My classes are ruling my life at the moment, but I do have spare time here and there to do some stuff. Hopefully I'll have some fun adventures this year that I can tell you all about. Tomorrow I'm going to Stratford Hall, birth place of Robert E. Lee, to do some archeaology :) I'll let you all know how it goes. I'm super excited and totally pumped for it! Well I basically just wanted to tell all you people in the internet world, I'm back!
Saturday, February 6, 2010
Snow Everywhere and No Where to go
So we are getting more snow and this time I'm snowed in. Not the most fun thing in the world. Friday we ended up staying in and making spaghetti, meatballs, and garlic toast. It was delicious! Then we played some board games. Oh forgot classes got canceled Friday! Clarissa and I decided to watch Gilmore Girls through the day and we ended up watching a bunch of episodes in season two.
Today we have even more snow. I would say that we have at least two feet, if not more. The snow caused a lot of "excitement." First off we lost power, not fun. The guys across the hall at one time were planning on playing beer bong in the hall, a stupid idea. Sometimes I feel that I'm surrounded by rocket scientists. Then a snow plow got stuck in the snow behind my dorm hall. The most exciting part of the day so far (being sarcastic here) was when a tree fell on a neighboring dorm hall. It broke two windows and landed on a maintenance man. I hope the man is okay. I think today I'm going to stay inside, keep warm, and do some work. The weather outside is not very friendly at the moment. Maybe classes will be canceled Monday, not that I really want that because it'll put us even more behind in them.
Today we have even more snow. I would say that we have at least two feet, if not more. The snow caused a lot of "excitement." First off we lost power, not fun. The guys across the hall at one time were planning on playing beer bong in the hall, a stupid idea. Sometimes I feel that I'm surrounded by rocket scientists. Then a snow plow got stuck in the snow behind my dorm hall. The most exciting part of the day so far (being sarcastic here) was when a tree fell on a neighboring dorm hall. It broke two windows and landed on a maintenance man. I hope the man is okay. I think today I'm going to stay inside, keep warm, and do some work. The weather outside is not very friendly at the moment. Maybe classes will be canceled Monday, not that I really want that because it'll put us even more behind in them.
Sunday, January 31, 2010
Snow Everywhere I Go
So this weekend wasn't too eventful. I think it was very relaxing though. Liz and Elizabeth went to MD to celebrate someone's birthday. Becca went to Tech to visit her bff, which left Nora, Clarissa, Rebecca, and me here. Friday Clarissa, Nora, and I watched The Hangover and How to Lose a Guy in Ten Days. Both were good movies. Then the snow let loose all Saturday. At one point we were brave enough to venture out in the snow. We took pictures, and Nora and Clarissa went sledding on recycling bags. Today everyone has returned. That's about it. Enjoy my winter picture!
Monday, January 25, 2010
A Fun Filled Weekend!
My weekend was packed with different activities that I did with my friends. I had so much fun that I sort of feel guilty that I didn't concentrate a whole lot on work, but sometimes it is just nice to do something other than school work all the time. Well Friday the suite, Nora, Liz, Clarissa and me, went out to dinner to Chili's. It was very delicious and much more better than college food. Then we went and browsed in the mall, got back to the room and watched Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince. Saturday the suite and Elizabeth went to the movie theater and saw Leap Year. It was such a cute and good movie. After watching it we all wanted to go to Ireland and find ourselves an Irish man that would be our boyfriend. Sunday I got to see my mom, who I've been missing like crazy. She took Clarissa and me out to lunch and coffee. I got to try Thai food for the first time, as did my mom. I must say it was very delicious and I like Thai food. Now its Monday and the fun is over. Back to school work and classes once again.
Friday, January 22, 2010
Yesterday at Liberty Lanes they had unlimited bowling and shoe rental for five dollars. I know, what a great deal! My friends and I decided to go and we had tons of fun. I didn't really bowl to well, but that's okay because there is always another Thursday I can take a go at. Besides that, Thursday was okay. Just another day filled with thoughts and events to think about.
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Armed and Dangerous
So this week has started off pretty eventful. First off my dorm hall had a "fire" on Sunday. Someone didn't know how to cook and caused something to burn in the oven, which created smoke and the alarms detected it and went off. The fire department came and the firemen saved the day by opening the window to air the kitchen out. Unfortunately the firetrucks went behind the building and we didn't get to see them.
Today I went with my friends Liz and Nora to play bingo. I must of had a lot of luck because I got bingo three times and won two prizes! I got a set of Nerf guns, which someone commented I wouldn't use. Obviously they don't know me because I totally used them immediately when I got back to my room. I also won a DVD game of Deal or No Deal. So I got back to my room and I told my roommate that we had to try the Nerf guns right away. We played with them having a Nerf gun fight and shooting contest. My suitemates also got in on the action and we all had a ball. I felt like I was 10 for almost a good half hour.
Advice for the day: Nerf guns = fun = happiness which means you should go get some :)
Today I went with my friends Liz and Nora to play bingo. I must of had a lot of luck because I got bingo three times and won two prizes! I got a set of Nerf guns, which someone commented I wouldn't use. Obviously they don't know me because I totally used them immediately when I got back to my room. I also won a DVD game of Deal or No Deal. So I got back to my room and I told my roommate that we had to try the Nerf guns right away. We played with them having a Nerf gun fight and shooting contest. My suitemates also got in on the action and we all had a ball. I felt like I was 10 for almost a good half hour.
Advice for the day: Nerf guns = fun = happiness which means you should go get some :)
Saturday, January 16, 2010
Getting Tangeled in a Net and African Poachers
So the first week of classes has come to an end. All went well, except the whole getting tons of work thing, which comes with the territory of college. I enjoyed my lectures, especially my American Archeology class! Now I have a three day weekend to look forward too!
To start my weekend off, I had a very interesting Friday full of fun with my friends. I don't know if I would categorize Friday as eventful or not, but I sure did laugh a lot. Once my classes were over my roommate and I went to play tennis for about an hour. There weren't many people at the courts, only a small girl getting tennis lessons. She was pretty funny to watch because while her coach would clean the court of the balls, she would turn herself inside the dividing net wall and get tangled in it. Clarissa thought it was really funny. Then later that night I went out with Liz, Elizabeth, and Clarissa to Dairy Queen, where we got yummy ice cream. We just hung out there for a while talking about all kinds of stuff. We eventually got on the subject of poachers and if there were any in the Shenandoah Mountains. It was such a funny conversation. We got back to the room later and watched Everafter, such a great movie. After the movie Becca, Rebecca, and Kimberly came over for a little bit. We just talked for a while and caught up with Kimberly, since we haven't really talked to her for a long time because shes at William and Mary. I would say yesterday was quite a nice night.
To start my weekend off, I had a very interesting Friday full of fun with my friends. I don't know if I would categorize Friday as eventful or not, but I sure did laugh a lot. Once my classes were over my roommate and I went to play tennis for about an hour. There weren't many people at the courts, only a small girl getting tennis lessons. She was pretty funny to watch because while her coach would clean the court of the balls, she would turn herself inside the dividing net wall and get tangled in it. Clarissa thought it was really funny. Then later that night I went out with Liz, Elizabeth, and Clarissa to Dairy Queen, where we got yummy ice cream. We just hung out there for a while talking about all kinds of stuff. We eventually got on the subject of poachers and if there were any in the Shenandoah Mountains. It was such a funny conversation. We got back to the room later and watched Everafter, such a great movie. After the movie Becca, Rebecca, and Kimberly came over for a little bit. We just talked for a while and caught up with Kimberly, since we haven't really talked to her for a long time because shes at William and Mary. I would say yesterday was quite a nice night.
Monday, January 11, 2010
Now There Is a Good Reason to Take Time Out to Blog
So now I have a very legitimate and valid reason to be on here blogging. I have just got back to school and winter break has sadly came to an end. Now my days will be full of work. Anyways, today I had my first day of classes and I have this class called digital storytelling. I have to keep this journal with pictures, sound, and writing and thought this would be a good place to do that. At the end of the semester I have to compile everything and create the project when he assigns it. So I am now going to talk about being back on campus. Well, yesterday I came back to my room and I got to see all my friends that I 've been missing over break. Today on the other hand I got to start my classes. I had art history 115, historic preservation 207 (American Archeology!), Latin 102, and digital storytelling. Tomorrow I have my other two classes, which makes six classes for this semester and a whole lot of work. I like my professors and nothing else really happened today. I am however about to go see my friend Kimberly, who now goes to a different school because she transferred.
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