Sunday, October 24, 2010

Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween to all those out in the internet world! I hope you are all having a great Halloween weekend! This year I am volunteering as a tour guide for the UMW Historic Preservation Club Ghostwalk. It is my first time, but it was really fun yesterday! A bunch of my friends came to my tours and showed their support for me. I would like to thank them all for coming! It actually made giving the tour a little bit easier for me. I get to do Ghostwalk again tonight! I have three tours this time! Oh my goodness, last night I had the most precious little boy in my group. He was so adorable! I asked him a bit in the tour if had gotten scared at all and he told me, "No." It was so cute. I enjoyed giving the tours so much!

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Fun Filled Saturday

So Saturday was pretty awesome. I went to Stratford to go dig. I got to look for shark teeth, but came up empty handed. I stink at finding them. My dream is to one day find a big shark tooth and then not feel that I need to find anymore. Digger went well. The coolest find of the day was a lead shot. Oh, I also got to see the new slave cabin exhibits. They were pretty sweet. In one of the rooms in one of the cabins there was this dresser full of interactive objects that children, and adult alike, could play with and learn. I thought it was the neatest thing, but of course I love museum education :P

Then Saturday night I went to a party. It was so much fun! I had a great time mingling with my fellow majors and some none majors too. The only part that was not entertaining was dealing with drunks, but what can you do when its a college party. Now today is a day of work and nothing else.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Quick Hello!

Hey all! Just wanted to say hi to you all. I've been back in Fredburg and at school since Tuesday evening. Today and tomorrow will be pretty eventful. Fall fest is today and tomorrow I'm off to Stratford Hall. I will defiantly post about everything later when I have time. I hope you all have an awesome Friday!

Monday, October 11, 2010

The Beautiful Shenandoah Valley

Right now I'm home for fall break from school. It is quite nice because I am able to spend a bunch of time with my whole family. My younger brother is home from UVA and I haven't really got to spend any time with him since school has started. Yesterday we went to the Green Valley Book Fair. It was a nice drive out there. The mountains and the valley were gorgeous, but don't take my word for it take a view at my photos after you're done reading this post. It was a nice time with my family. I go back to UMW tomorrow, which means I actually have to do some work today. Last week was awful because I had three midterms, a paper proposal, and photos for a project that all had to be done. This week is a little less hectic because all that is due is a 4 to 6 page paper, but I need to get my photo project basically finished because I'm going to Stratford Hall again this weekend! I will show off my architecture photography once I decided which pictures I am actually using. This weekend I also started on knitting a blanket and hopefully I'll get it done by Christmas. I'll keep you all posted on its progress.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

More Alpacas!

I guess I'm going to have to place alpacas on my list of favorite animals. They are so cute I just seem to keep running into them! I went home this pass weekend to work on a project for my folklore class, which involved interviewing my dad. On Saturday it was something like tour farm day in Culpeper County. I found out that there is this awesome alpaca farm about five minutes, if that, from my house. Well you all know what I had to do once I found out about this place, my mom and I ended up going to the farm! They were so cute! I got to see 4 month year old alpacas that were just weened from there mom. The poor things really wanted to get back to her, but they were adorable! I took a few pictures. Enjoy!