Saturday, February 6, 2010

Snow Everywhere and No Where to go

So we are getting more snow and this time I'm snowed in. Not the most fun thing in the world. Friday we ended up staying in and making spaghetti, meatballs, and garlic toast. It was delicious! Then we played some board games. Oh forgot classes got canceled Friday! Clarissa and I decided to watch Gilmore Girls through the day and we ended up watching a bunch of episodes in season two.

Today we have even more snow. I would say that we have at least two feet, if not more. The snow caused a lot of "excitement." First off we lost power, not fun. The guys across the hall at one time were planning on playing beer bong in the hall, a stupid idea. Sometimes I feel that I'm surrounded by rocket scientists. Then a snow plow got stuck in the snow behind my dorm hall. The most exciting part of the day so far (being sarcastic here) was when a tree fell on a neighboring dorm hall. It broke two windows and landed on a maintenance man. I hope the man is okay. I think today I'm going to stay inside, keep warm, and do some work. The weather outside is not very friendly at the moment. Maybe classes will be canceled Monday, not that I really want that because it'll put us even more behind in them.